Important Information.
Thank you so much for your patience and support during the closure of The Box London Studio.
We have missed you a lot!

For the last few weeks, we have been working hard behind the scenes to create a safe environment for you to visit The Box London Studio at The Pavilion Club Des Sports East Acton Lane in London.
Because keeping you safe and in good health is our priority, we have made some changes to how we do things. We are introducing social distancing measure and cleaning procedures, as per the UK Government guidelines.
Please read below a few things you need to know to keep your mind at rest.
Here are our COVID-19 operating guidelines:
Cleaning & Hygiene
We are aware that cleanliness is the predominant factor that people are concerned about. All the equipment will be sanitised throughout the day and the entire club every night. Trainers will be using disposable gloves during each training session.
Hand wipes/sanitisers will be available.
Changes to classes
To allow the studio to be cleaned by the trained staff between each class, our classes will be slightly shorter than usual. Now the duration of each training session will be 55 minutes.
Social Distancing
There are one-way systems around the facilities at Club Des Sports where possible. The number of members has been reduced. On display will be posters informing clients and staff of social distancing and cleanliness/hygiene protocols throughout the facility. The only equipment that is 2m apart will be used. Please do your best to maintain a safe gap between you and other members as you move around the studio, while you workout, and when you use the facilities.
Boxing Gloves
We strongly advise the clients willing to punch the boxing bags to bring their boxing gloves. We will not be providing boxing gloves.
Symptom checks
Please do not enter the club if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have recently returned from a country where you currently need to self-isolate. We want to make sure that you and other members return to physical activities in our studio in the safest possible way.
Please click here to follow the NHS information on COVID-19 symptoms.
Everyone will have a part to play in keeping our studio safe, and we'll be asking you to follow the rules above. Only by taking these actions, we will be able to re-open the studio and keep the disruption to a minimum. Your wellbeing is our highest priority. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back at The Box London next week on Tuesday 15th September!